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Unit 3: Revolutions and Reaction

Lesson C: Impact of the Atlantic Revolutions on Europe

Activity 8: Nationalist Revolutions

When historians think about whether or not the French Revolution was successful, and when they think about whether or not Napoleon should be considered a hero or villain of that revolution, they must consider what happened not only five or ten or fifteen years later, but also what happened in the long term. The following presentation will look at the European revolutions that followed the Congress of Vienna and Napoleon's reign.

image of mini lesson screen

Presentation Activity - Nationalist Revolutions of the 19th Century

Mini Lesson Presentation Mini Lesson

Before you view the presentation:

Download Icon Download Nationalist Revolutions of the 19th Century (doc).

View the presentation:

When you are ready, select the play button to learn about Nationalist Revolutions of the 19th century. As you view the presentation, use the map to record the location, date, and details for each of the revolutions that is discussed.

Mini Presentation

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image of classroom blackboard with world history written on it

Classroom Activity - Nationalist Revolutions of the 19th Century

Discussion Icon Discussion

Directions: Prepare a response to the discussion questions below. Follow your teacher's directions to participate in your class discussion.

  • Overall, how successful were the revolutions? Why do you believe this?
  • To what extent do you think the revolutions of 1830 and 1848 were influenced by the spread of the ideals of the French Revolution by Napoleon?
  • To what extent do you think the revolutions were influenced by the actions of the Congress of Vienna?

Download Icon Select the link to review the Discussion Scoring Tool (pdf).


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The democratic ideas of the French Revolution continued to cause unrest in Europe where there had been many changes. National governments had been shaped and reshaped. The press popularized new values and ideas such as nationalism. Many citizens were unhappy with absolute rulers while others wanted to keep government as it was. The result was turmoil throughout the continent.

To what extent were these challenges to conservatism successful? You will determine this in the next activity.