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Unit 5: Crisis and Change

Lesson C: The Revolution and Civil War in Russia

Key Terms

Key Term Definition
absolute monarch government in which a king, queen, or emperor exercises unlimited powers of government
Bolsheviks Russian socialists in power in Russia after the revolution in 1917
capitalism an economic system providing free choice and individual incentive for workers, investors, consumers, and business enterprises
command economy an economic system in which an authority, such as the government, answers the basic economic questions of "what," "how," and "for whom" items should be produced
communism a political and economic theory in which factors of production are collectively owned
czar a Russian ruler
dynasty series of rulers from the same family
Marxism a type of socialism where all the factors of production would be owned by the people, workers would share profits, and all would be economically equal
proletariat lower or lowest social class in a society; working class
propaganda information used to spread a doctrine or opinion through allegations, usually from a particular country's or political party's point of view or purposes
soviet elected government council that existed at the local, regional, and national levels of the Soviet Union
totalitarian exercising dictatorial (authoritarian) power by government over nearly every aspect of human life


Directions: Practice using these terms.


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