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Unit 5: Crisis and Change

Lesson D: Postwar Anxiety, Creativity, and Change

Activity 2: Global Influenza Pandemic

In 1918, as the fighting of World War I was coming to a close, the world faced another global challenge: the Influenza Pandemic of 1918. Many historians believe that the global flu pandemic of 1918-19 was born in the trenches of World War I. Whatever its source, the global flu pandemic killed 50 million people, or about 3% of the world's population.

Influenzas normally kill weak individuals, such as infants, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems, but this strand of influenza was more devastating to young adult populations. Another oddity was that the outbreak was widespread in the summer and autumn (in the Northern Hemisphere); influenza is usually worse in winter.

From Flies and Filth to Food and Fever. The State Board of Health of Florida, 1915 From Flies and Filth to Food and Fever. The State Board of Health of Florida, 1915
From Flies and Filth to Food and Fever. The State Board of Health of Florida, 1915 [1]
image of mini lesson screen

Presentation Activity - Global Influenza Pandemic

Mini Lesson Presentation Mini Lesson

When you are ready, select the play button below the image to learn about Global Influenza Pandemic.

Mini Presentation

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image of classroom blackboard with world history written on it

Classroom Activity - The Influenza Global Pandemic

Discussion Icon Discussion

Directions: Prepare a response to the discussion questions below. Follow your teacher's directions to participate in your class discussion.

  1. What was the impact of the influenza pandemic of 1918?
  2. What made the flu pandemic of 1918 different from previously known influenza strands?
  3. Why is the influenza pandemic of 1918 considered the "forgotten pandemic"?
  4. What connections do you think there may be between the influenza global pandemic and the other impacts of war?

Download Icon Select the link to review the Discussion Scoring Tool (pdf).


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Page Notes:

[1] Source: This image from http://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212360 is in the public domain because its copyright has expired.