Unit 6: Modern World History
Lesson A: 20th Century Global Politics - The Cold War
Activity 6: Fall of the Soviet Empire
The fall of European communism and dissolution of the Soviet Union resulted from internal and external factors. Citizens and individuals at the government level played an important role both in and around the Soviet Empire. Many external factors in Europe and the world also played an important role. Many of these factors involved the Cold War competition between the superpowers, while others were part of a greater growing opposition to communist government.
Presentation Activity - Fall of the Soviet Empire
Mini Lesson
Before you view the presentation:
Download the Student Resource: Fall of the Soviet Empire (doc) and complete it as you complete the presentation..
View the presentation:
When you are ready, select the play button below the image to learn about the Fall of the Soviet Empire.
You have learned about the factors that led to the fall of European communism and dissolution of the Soviet Union. Go on the next activity to conclude the lesson.