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Unit 4: Nationalism, Industrialism, and Imperialism

Lesson G: Russian Desperation and the Ottoman Decline

Activity 1: Timeline of 19th Century

The 19th century is often called the "long 19th century" because the political, economic, and social changes that took place began as early as 1750 in some places and culminated with World War I in the early 20th century. It was dominated by industrialization, imperialism, reforms, and conflicts. In this activity you will explore a timeline about these events. As you explore the timeline think about how these events relate to industrialization, imperialism, reforms, and conflicts.


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Classroom Activity - Defining the 19th Century

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Directions: Prepare a response to the discussion questions below. Follow your teacher’s directions to participate in your class discussion.

  • How might the 19th century be considered the century of industrialization? Justify your answer with specific events.
  • How might the 19th century be considered the century of imperialism? Justify your answer with specific events.
  • How might the 19th century be considered the century of reform? Justify your answer with specific events.
  • How might the 19th century be considered the century of nationalism? Justify your answer with specific events.
  • How might the 19th century be considered the century of conflict? Justify your answer with specific events.
  • If you had to choose one title for the 19th century, what would it be? Justify your answer.
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