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Unit 5: Crisis and Change

Lesson A: Competition Leads to Global Conflict

Review and Assessment


You have completed the Competition Leads to Global Conflict lesson and learned how militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism in Europe prior to 1914 set the stage for the "Great War".

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At the beginning of the 20th century, Europe was in good shape and it controlled vast empires that circled the globe. Europe was at peace but there were forces at work that would lead to "the Great War." There were tensions between countries and tensions within countries. Think about the people and forces at work as you complete the BCR below.

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Brief Constructed Response - Causes of World War I

Who and/or what caused World War I?

  • Describe the major causes of World War I.
  • Explain which cause had the most significant impact on World War I.

Download Icon Download the Student Resource: Causes of World War I Brief Constructed Response (BCR) (doc).

Download Icon Select the link to review the Social Studies Rubric (pdf).

Dropbox Icon Submit the completed BCR to your teacher as instructed.